
Eumedion represents institutional investors' interests in the field of corporate governance and related sustainability performance. It is the objective of Eumedion to maintain and further develop good corporate governance and sustainability performance on the basis of the responsibility of institutional investors established in the Netherlands. Also see:

About 70 institutional investors currently participate. Together, they represent and manage more than 1000 billion Euros in assets. Consequently, it is important for an IRO to be aware of Eumedion and its recommendations.


Eumedion, an independent foundation, managed by representatives of participants, wants to advance the acceptance of, and compliance with, generally accepted corporate governance standards by listed companies and institutional investors in The Netherlands and Europe in particular.

Although Eumedion has the legal form of a foundation, it has many features of an association. The Members’ Meeting, for example, has a right to adopt the annual policy plan (including the budget) and a right to approve the annual accounts, the authority to grant the Board discharge from liability for its management every year and the power to dismiss the entire Board. Each member has one vote.

As of 2009, Eumedion has expanded its activities to sustainability issues in relation to corporate governance. Eumedion monitors listed companies on their ESG-performance and looks at risk management, remuneration, transparency and reporting.

Eumedion endeavours to improve corporate governance in the Netherlands by the following means:

  • encouraging joint consultations between institutional investors, listed companies and their representative organisations,
  • consulting with the Dutch government, institutions of the European Union, other relevant authorities and sectoral organisations,
  • influencing legislation and regulations,
  • providing services in the field of corporate governance to its members, and
  • undertaking other activities, for example organising seminars, symposia and roundtables that advance the objective of Eumedion.

Associated participants 

Eumedion has three associated participants, so-called umbrella organisations for pension funds. The foundation is funded by annual contributions by these members’ participants.

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